About this tool

Burning Glass and the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) have developed Where the work is to compare entry-level employer demand and the number of learners completing related programmes of study.

This alignment can be examined by occupation group for higher education (HE) or further education (FE) programmes. The methodology used in developing this tool allows for the most detailed measure possible of employer demand, along with data from FE and HE learner figures as an estimate of supply.

This is the first refresh of the tool, updating the original which used 2014 data, with the most recent data available – 2015. The updated version also shows extra information about occupations based upon Burning Glass analysis of job postings, Labour Force Survey figures in recent years and Working Futures projections to 2024.

The data used to produce the data visualisations are available for download.

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New skills at work

This tool is part of the JPMorgan Chase New Skills at Work programme.

The programme aims to identify strategies and support solutions that help improve labour market infrastructure and develop the skilled workforce globally. The initiative brings together leading policymakers, academics, business leaders, educators, training providers and nonprofits with the goal of connecting labour market policy with practice, supply with demand and employers with the workforce – all to strengthen the global economy.

Since 2014, IPPR has been working as a key partner of the New Skills at Work in Europe programme. Europe needs more jobs and better jobs; it also needs education and skills training that matches people from every background to the opportunities opened up by business growth and technological change. Through high-profile events and in-depth research reports on connecting labour market policy with practice and supply with demand, we are helping to improve labour market infrastructure and develop a skilled workforce. The IPPR website offers a more detailed overview of IPPR’s work as part of this programme.

Burning Glass Technologies has been a partner of New Skills at Work in both the United States and Europe since 2014, developing innovative research projects to examine the labour market and identify skills gaps.


This is a project by IPPR and Burning Glass Technologies, funded by JPMorgan Chase & Co. The data visualisations are built by DataMade.

About IPPR

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) is the UK's leading progressive thinktank, an independent registered charity with more than 40 staff members, paid interns and visiting fellows. Its purpose is to conduct and publish research into, and promote public education in, the economic, social and political sciences, and in science and technology, the voluntary sector and social enterprise, public services, and industry and commerce.

About Burning Glass

Burning Glass Technologies delivers job market analytics that enable employers, workers, and educators to make data-driven decisions. Burning Glass is reshaping how the job market works, with data that identify the skill gaps that keep jobseekers and employers apart and tools that enable both sides to bridge that gap and connect more easily. The company’s artificial intelligence technology analyses hundreds of millions of job postings and real-life career transitions to provide insight into labour market patterns. This real-time strategic intelligence offers crucial insights, such as which jobs are most in demand, the specific skills employers need, and the career directions that offer the highest potential for workers.

Burning Glass plays a critical role in informing the global conversation on education and the workforce, and in creating a job market that works for everyone.